10月20-23日 全学停電のお知らせ





期間: 10/20(金)  18:00  –  10/23(月)  8:30

118th Colloquium of Center for Computational Sciences

118th Colloquium

Title:Theoretical Vibrational Spectroscopy of Aqueous TMAO Solution under High Hydrostatic Pressure Conditions

Speaker:Dr. Sho Imoto
(Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum)

Date: October 25, 2017 (Wed), Time: 16:00-18:00

Venue: Center for Computational Sciences, Meeting Room D


Hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) play a significant role in liquid water, aqueous solutions, and bio-systems and, therefore, a deep understanding of H-bonds in liquid phases is of great importance. Although many theoretical and experimental studies have been devoted to understand their properties at ambient conditions, our knowledge of H-bonds under extreme conditions, such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) conditions in the kilo-bar regime, is not enough. Especially, the pressure response of aqueous trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is of great interest because it works as a protecting osmolyte against high pressure denaturation. Vibrational spectroscopy is one of the most powerful methods to elucidate structure and dynamics of H-bonds. Concerning the theoretical side, quantitative analysis on IR spectra of H-bonding systems requires not only atomistic trajectories but also accurate dipole moments because the effects of induced dipole moments and charge transfer are not negligible in these cases. In this study, by using ab initio MD simulations, we analyzed IR spectra of TMAO(aq) under HHP conditions. The solvation structure of TMAO-oxygen changes dramatically under HHP conditions; threefold H-bonding structure is dominant at 1 bar, whereas three and fourfold H-bonding structures are almost equally populated at 10 kbar [1,2]. We found that the increase in the number of H-bonds can be observed as a skewness of the N-O stretch spectra since three and fourfold H-bonding structures have slightly different resonance frequencies [3]. 

[1] S. Imoto, H. Forbert, D. Marx, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 24224 (17). 
[2] C. Hölzl, P. Kibies, S. Imoto, R. Frach, S. Suladze, R. Winter, D. Marx, D. Horinek, S. M. Kast, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 144104 (2016).
[3] S. Imoto, P. Kibies, C. Rosin, R. Winter, S. M. Kast, D. Marx, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 9534 (2016).

Coordinator : Yasuteru Shigeta, shigeta@ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp

Social gathering : 18:30 – 20:30  near Tsukuba Station
Registration required before 23 Oct.
[Contact adress : mshoji[at]ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp]



場所:筑波大学 計算科学研究センター 会議室D
日時:2017年10月25日 (水)16:00-18:00
講演タイトル:Theoretical Vibrational Spectroscopy of Aqueous TMAO Solution under High Hydrostatic Pressure Conditions

要旨:Hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) play a significant role in liquid water, aqueous solutions, and bio-systems and, therefore, a deep understanding of H-bonds in liquid phases is of great importance. Although many theoretical and experimental studies have been devoted to understand their properties at ambient conditions, our knowledge of H-bonds under extreme conditions, such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) conditions in the kilo-bar regime, is not enough. Especially, the pressure response of aqueous trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is of great interest because it works as a protecting osmolyte against high pressure denaturation. Vibrational spectroscopy is one of the most powerful methods to elucidate structure and dynamics of H-bonds. Concerning the theoretical side, quantitative analysis on IR spectra of H-bonding systems requires not only atomistic trajectories but also accurate dipole moments because the effects of induced dipole moments and charge transfer are not negligible in these cases. In this study, by using ab initio MD simulations, we analyzed IR spectra of TMAO(aq) under HHP conditions. The solvation structure of TMAO-oxygen changes dramatically under HHP conditions; threefold H-bonding structure is dominant at 1 bar, whereas three and fourfold H-bonding structures are almost equally populated at 10 kbar [1,2]. We found that the increase in the number of H-bonds can be observed as a skewness of the N-O stretch spectra since three and fourfold H-bonding structures have slightly different resonance frequencies [3]. 

[1] S. Imoto, H. Forbert, D. Marx, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 24224 (17). 
[2] C. Hölzl, P. Kibies, S. Imoto, R. Frach, S. Suladze, R. Winter, D. Marx, D. Horinek, S. M. Kast, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 144104 (2016).
[3] S. Imoto, P. Kibies, C. Rosin, R. Winter, S. M. Kast, D. Marx, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 9534 (2016).

懇親会: 18:30からつくばセンター界隈で懇親会を行います。
参加希望なされる方は10/23までに庄司 (mshoji[at]ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp)まで、

【受賞】仝暁民准教授が2017年アメリカ物理学会フェロー(APS Fellow)に選出されました

量子物性部門の仝暁民准教授が2017年アメリカ物理学会フェロー(APS Fellow)に選出されました。





For seminal contributions to the molecular tunneling ionization theory and the development of generalized pseudo-spectral time-dependent method to study various processes in laser atom, molecule, and cluster interactions.


関連HP APS Fellowship

日本最速のスーパーコンピュータ Oakforest-PACS 一般公開します!

東京大学情報基盤センターでは、両日とも日本最速のスーパーコンピュータOakforest-PACSの見学(筑波大学計算科学研究センター 協力)および、スーパーコンピュータでのシミュレーション結果(流体計算、津波計算、気流計算など)を3次元に可視化できるシステムの体験をすることができます。(入場無料、予約不要)

日本最速のスーパーコンピュータ Oakforest-PACS を間近に見られるチャンスです。

 27日(金) 13:15、14:00、14:45、15:30(4回実施)
 28日(土) 10:15、11:30、13:15、14:00、14:45、15:30(6回実施)


OFP利活用報告会 【10/6 情報を更新しました】

筑波大学計算科学研究センター設立25周年記念シンポジウムに引き続き、以下の日程でOFP 利活用報告会が開催されます。OFPに関する情報交換を兼ねて、学際共同利用プログラム成果・中間発表の一部をそちらで実施いたします。合わせて奮ってのご参加をお待ちしております。


開催日時: 10月12日(木)13:30-17:30(予定)

 東京大学柏キャンパス 第2総合研究棟 315会議室2(地図
 筑波大学計算科学研究センター 会議室A(地図※遠隔配信 (会場が変更になりました 10/6)

 八代尚(理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構)


主催: 最先端共同HPC基盤施設(JCAHPC)
共催: 東京大学情報基盤センター、筑波大学計算科学研究センター





場所:筑波大学 総合研究棟B 110
日時:2017/10/13(金) 16:00-17:00
講演タイトル:Molecular Modeling of Water-Air and Ice-Air Interfaces
講演者氏名:永田勇樹 博士
講演者所属:Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Bonn Group

要旨:Structure and dynamics of Interfacial water  governs the atmospheric chemistry, chemical reactions on aqueous interface, and high surface tension of water. Nevertheless, molecular level insight into interfacial water is not fully gained. In this talk, I shall focus on the two topics – water evaporation and anomaly of ice surface around 200 K -. For water evaporation, I would reveal that water evaporation is -NOT- a completely stochastic process. The evaporation of water occurs in a time-ordered motion of multiple water molecules. [1] This challenges the variability of the free energy description for such an event. For anomaly of ice surface, we combined the molecular dynamics simulation with sum-frequency generation spectroscopy [2] and reveal that ice surface generates the maximum number of the hydrogen bond around 200 K, [3] which seems counterintuitive for the entropy increase in the thermodynamics second law. I will discuss how ice surface is melt with increasing temperature.

[1] Y. Nagata, K. Usui, and M. Bonn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 236102 (2015)
[2] F. Perakis, …, Y. Nagata, Chem. Rev. 116, 7590 (2016)
[3] W. J. Smits, T. Fujie, …, Y. Nagata, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 133003 (2017)

懇親会:18:30から北海道直送 魚鮮水産 BiViつくば店で懇親会を行います。
参加を希望なされる方は10/10までに庄司 (mshoji[at]ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp)まで、

[Award] Professor Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Professor Toshiyuki Amagasa and more received the Best paper award on ICDIM 2017

Professor Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Professor Toshiyuki Amagasa and more received the Best paper award on the 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) (September 12-14, 2017).

The paper for receiving a prize is as follows:
Chihiro Sakazume, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Toshiyuki Amagasa, “DIO: Efficient Interactive Outlier Analysis over Dynamic Datasets”, Proc. 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) , pp. 234-241, Fukuoka, Japan, September 12-14, 2017. 

The principle Feynman and Einstein could not find was discovered ~Why Faraday’s law and Lorentz force create the same electromotive force?~

Tsukuba, Japan – The Faraday’s induction formula (flux rule) of electromagnetism says that the electromotive force (emf) created in a conducting circuit is equal to the rate at which the magnetic flux through the conducting circuit changes as it is written on a high school text in physics. This emf can be calculated in two ways: either by using the Lorentz force formula and calculating the force acting on electrons in the moving conductor of the circuit; or via one of Maxwell’s equations (Faraday’s law) and calculating the change of the magnetic flux penetrating through the circuit. The Lorentz force formula and Maxwell’s equations are two distinct physical laws, yet the two methods yield the same results.

Why the two results coincide was not known. In other words, the flux rule consists of two physically different laws in classical theories. Interestingly, this problem was also a motivation behind the development of the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. In 1905, Einstein wrote in the opening paragraph of his first paper on relativity theory, “It is known that Maxwell’s electrodynamics – as usually understood at the present time – when applied to moving bodies, leads to asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena.” But Einstein’s argument moved away from this problem and formulated special theory of relativity, thus the problem was not solved. 
Richard Feynman once described this situation in his famous lecture (The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II, 1964), “we know of no other place in physics where such a simple and accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an analysis in terms of two different phenomena. Usually such a beautiful generalization is found to stem from a single deep underlying principle. ・・・・・・ We have to understand the “rule” as the combined effects of two quite separate phenomena.”

Dr. Hiroyasu Koizumi’s study, recently published in the Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, has revealed what is the “single deep underlying principle” in the “flux rule” envisaged by Feynman. It is a duality of the U(1) phase factor added on the wave function; it describes the translational motion of electrons, and also gives a time-dependent gauge potential that induces an effective electric field on the electrons. The former view corresponds to the result obtained by the Lorentz force formula, and the latter to the result using the Maxwell’s equation for the Faraday’s law.

Read full text ->   University of Tsukuba

Article: “Flux Rule, U (1) Instanton, and Superconductivity”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism at DOI: 10.1007/s10948-017-4302-3.

【受賞】北川博之教授、天笠俊之教授らが国際学会 The 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞

坂詰知完氏(CS専攻H28年度修了生)、北川博之教授 、天笠俊之教授は、2017年9月12日〜9月14日に福岡で開催された国際学会The 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。


Chihiro Sakazume, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Toshiyuki Amagasa, “DIO: Efficient Interactive Outlier Analysis over Dynamic Datasets”, Proc. 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017) , pp. 234-241, Fukuoka, Japan, September 12-14, 2017. 

【インタビュー】「同時に学べる、理学系博士課程とコンピュータ科学の修士課程 〜デュアル・ディグリー プログラム〜」を掲載

研究者へのインタビューを交えながら、一般の方へわかりやすく計算科学研究センター(CCS)の取り組みを紹介する「研究者に聞く CCS Reports!」内に、新着インタビュー「同時に学べる、理学系博士課程とコンピュータ科学の修士課程 〜デュアル・ディグリー プログラム〜」を掲載しました。



【デュアルディグリー プログラムについて】


詳しくは 計算科学振興室 デュアルディグリープログラムをご覧ください。



10月10日(火)、11日(水)に、つくば国際会議場にて計算科学研究センター25周年記念シンポジウムおよび第9回「学際計算科学による新たな知の発見・統合・創出」シンポジウム -計算科学の発展と将来-が開催されます。

また、10日 18:00〜計算科学研究センター25周年記念パーティーも開催されます。



参加申込フォーム https://www2.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/sympo201710/form.cgi【登録締切 9/26】

116th Colloquium of Center for Computational Sciences

116th Colloquium

Title:Downslope windstorms and foehn flows around the world: a historical overview and open research questions

Speaker:Dr. Annette Miltenberger (Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK)

Date: 2017/9/26(Tue), Time: 13:30-15:30

Venue: Center for Computational Sciences, Meeting Room A


Foehn flows and downslope windstorms are prominent mesoscale weather phenomena in many mountain ranges across the globe. The climatology and characteristics of foehn flows in different geographic locations, ranging from the Alps to the Antarctic mountain ranges, are discussed and compared. Naturally, people living in mountainous regions have had a long standing interest in the formation and prediction of downslope windstorms and foehn flow. Accordingly, a number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the warm nature of foehn flow and its descent into the lee side valleys. A brief historical overview on the evolution of these theories will be followed by a summary of our current understanding of the mechanisms for foehn air warming and downstream descent. Based on the discussion of the foehn flow climatologies, the relative importance of these mechanisms are investigated for different mountain ranges and various upstream conditions. The importance of regional difference will be highlighted with the example of foehn flows in the eastern and western sections of the Alpine range, which are often associated with weak and strong upstream ascent of the foehn air masses, respectively. Key open research questions regarding these aspects of foehn flow are highlighted in the discussion.


第116回計算科学コロキウムを、9月26日(火)13時30分〜 開催します


場所:計算科学研究センター 会議室A
日時:2017/9/26(火), 13:30-15:30
講演タイトル:Downslope windstorms and foehn flows around the world: a historical overview and open research questions
講演者氏名:Dr. Annette Miltenberger
講演者所属:Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK


Foehn flows and downslope windstorms are prominent mesoscale weather phenomena in many mountain ranges across the globe. The climatology and characteristics of foehn flows in different geographic locations, ranging from the Alps to the Antarctic mountain ranges, are discussed and compared. Naturally, people living in mountainous regions have had a long standing interest in the formation and prediction of downslope windstorms and foehn flow. Accordingly, a number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the warm nature of foehn flow and its descent into the lee side valleys. A brief historical overview on the evolution of these theories will be followed by a summary of our current understanding of the mechanisms for foehn air warming and downstream descent. Based on the discussion of the foehn flow climatologies, the relative importance of these mechanisms are investigated for different mountain ranges and various upstream conditions. The importance of regional difference will be highlighted with the example of foehn flows in the eastern and western sections of the Alpine range, which are often associated with weak and strong upstream ascent of the foehn air masses, respectively. Key open research questions regarding these aspects of foehn flow are highlighted in the discussion.


ファインマンも解けなかった問題を解明 ~ファラデーの電磁誘導の法則とローレンツ力はなぜ同じ起電力を与えるのか~

国立大学法人 筑波大学


筑波大学 計算科学研究センター小泉裕康准教授は、磁場を横切る導線に生じる誘導起電力が「ファラデーの電磁誘導の法則」と「ローレンツ力」という2つの本質的に異なる方法で求めることができるのはなぜかを明らかにしました。この誘導起電力を求める問題は高等学校の物理の教科書にも載っており、馴染み深い問題です。しかしそれにもかかわらず、2つの本質的に異なる方法で結果がなぜ一致するのか、これまで明らかにされていませんでした。


図 磁場B を速度v で横切る長さL の導線。誘導起電力BvL が回路PQRS に生じる。この誘導起電力はファラデーの電磁誘導の法則及びローレンツ力の2つの本質的にまったく異なる方法で計算できる。















計算科学研究センター25周年記念シンポジウム           「計算科学の発展と将来」

開催案内 [English]

タイトル 計算科学研究センター25周年記念シンポジウムおよび第9回「学際計算科学による新たな知の発見・統合・創出」シンポジウム -計算科学の発展と将来-
主催 筑波大学 計算科学研究センター
日時 平成29年10月10日(火) 13:30~17:40、10月11日(水)9:30~17:00
会場 つくば国際会議場 中ホール300
祝賀会 10月10日(火)18:00開始 つくば国際会議場 多目的ホール 
参加費 シンポジウム 参加無料、祝賀会 5,000円 
アクセス  [広域地図][周辺地図]  ※駐車場は有料です。



問い合わせ シンポジウム問い合わせ窓口



今日あらゆる科学技術の分野で計算科学は欠かすことのできない役割を果たしています。スーパーコンピュータの劇的な発展により大規模計算による研究のフロンティアは大きく拡大し、また計算を介した分野融合の取り組みや新分野の創出が活発に進んでいます。学際性は計算科学の大きな特色ですが、その利点を十分に活かすためには、計算科学のさまざまな分野間で、そして計算科学の発展を支える計算機科学分野、情報科学分野との間で、定期的・日常的な交流と協力の機会を持つことが大切です。 筑波大学計算科学研究センターは上記のような計算科学諸分野と計算機科学、情報科学の共同の場として、平成4年度発足の計算物理学研究センターを前身とし、平成16年4月に改組・拡充されて設置されました。また本センターは、文部科学省共同利用・共同研究拠点「先端学際計算科学共同研究拠点」の認定を受け、センターの計算機資源を用いた学際共同利用プログラムを推進しています。


10月10日(火)中ホール300 [* Talk is given in English]

 座長: 中務 孝 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)


 文部科学省研究振興局学術機関課長 西井 知紀

 筑波大学副学長(研究担当) 木越 英夫

 理化学研究所計算科学研究機構プログラミング環境研究チームリーダー 佐藤 三久


 筑波大学計算科学研究センター長 梅村 雅之


“Ten Years of Exascale – Are We There Yet?” *  [Abstract]

Horst Simon (LBNL, Deputy Director)

14:50~15:40 “From K to Post K
– Great Opportunity and Great Challenge in Advanced Computing -“
* Kimihiko Hirao (RIKEN AICS, Director)
 座長: 重田 育照 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)

“Symbolic computing and supercomputing in chemistry” *

So Hirata (UIUC, Blue Waters Prof.)


“Scaling Fully Implicit PDE Solvers to 10M Cores” *

Chao Yang (CAS)



 座長: 小泉 裕康 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)



田中 博(筑波大学計算科学研究センター)






蔵増 嘉伸(筑波大学計算科学研究センター)




 座長: 建部 修見 (筑波大学計算科学研究センター)







木内 建太(京都大学基礎物理学研究所)



櫻井 鉄也(筑波大学システム情報系) 






“Ten Years of Exascale – Are We There Yet?”
The first set of exascale workshops were held ten years ago in the Spring of 2007. Very quickly it was recognized that reaching the next big performance level in high performance computing is not just a matter of scaling, but that fundamental breakthroughs in architecture, software, algorithms, and application were required.  But at the time and very optimistically 2018 seemed to be the year exascale was achievable. In the years from 2008 to 2010 more workshops refined the path towards exascale computing in the U.S.,  and by about 2010 delivered the outline of a plan on how to achieve this goal. Also internationally several countries developed exascale initiatives. So all indicators were positive. Yet now, ten years later in the second half of 2017,  we are still about five years away from exascale and 2023 seems to be a more likely target. What happened? I will revisit the original goals and projections, and analyze where and when the community started to fall behind. This will be a useful analysis to draw lessons for the next five years, and see how exascale computing can eventually be achieved.

The 25th Anniversary Memorial Symposium of CCS, Univ. Tsukuba “Progress and Future of Computational Sciences”

Dates and VenuesRegistration / Program / Access information 

The 25th Anniversary Memorial Symposium of CCS, Univ. Tsukuba “Progress and Future of Computational Sciences”

Today, computational science is an indispensable research methodology in the basic and applied sciences, and contributes significantly to the progress of a wide variety of scientific research fields. For multidisciplinary computational science based on the fusion of computational and computer sciences, frequent/regular opportunities of communication and collaboration are essential. Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) at University of Tsukuba, which started as Center for Computational Physics at 1992 and reorganized at 2004, aims at improving such collaborations between different research fields. In 2010, the CCS was recognized under the Advanced Interdisciplinary Computational Science Collaboration Initiative (AISCI) by MEXT, and has since provided the use of its computational facilities to researchers nationwide as part of the Multidisciplinary Joint-use Program. For celebrating the 25th anniversary since start of the CCS and for reporting recent results of the Multidisciplinary Joint-use Program, this symposium is held at Tsukuba International Congress Center.

 [Poster PDF]

Dates and Venues

Dates:10 Oct. [Tue] 13:30 - 11 Oct. [Wed] 17:00
Venue:Tsukuba International Congress Center “Hall 300”


10 Oct.    [*Talk is given in English]

13:30 – 14:00 Congratulatory address  
 Chair: Takashi Nakatsukasa  (Univ. Tsukuba)
14:00 – 14:50

“Ten Years of Exascale – Are We There Yet?” *

Horst Simon
(LBNL, Deputy Director) 

14:50 – 15:40 

“From K to Post K
– Great Opportunity and Great Challenge in Advanced Computing -” *

 Kimihiko Hirao
(RIKEN AICS, Director) 
15:40 – 16:00 Break 
Chair: Yasuteru Shigeta (Univ. Tsukuba)
16:00 – 16:50

“Symbolic computing and supercomputing in chemistry” *

 So Hirata
(UIUC, Blue Waters Prof.)
16:50 – 17:40 “Scaling Fully Implicit PDE Solvers to 10M Cores” *  Chao Yang
18:00 – 20:00 25th Anniversary Party (at Multi-Purpose Hall)

11 Oct. [All presentations are in Japanese]

Chair: Hiroyasu Koizumi (Univ. Tsukuba)
9:30 – 10:05 


Hiroshi L. Tanaka
(Univ. Tsukuba)

10:05 – 10:35  Short Presentation(1.5min x 20)
10:35 – 11:00  Break
11:00 – 11:35 「Oakforest-PACSが切り拓く新たな格子QCDシミュレーションの展開」 Yoshinobu Kuramashi
(Univ. Tsukuba)
11:35 – 12:05  Short Presentation(1.5min x 20)
12:05 – 13:15  Lunch
Chair: Osamu Tatebe (Univ. Tsukuba)
13:15 – 13:45  Short Presentation(1.5min x 20)
13:45 – 15:15  Poster session
15:15 – 15:50


Kenta Kiuchi
(Univ. Kyoto)
15:50 – 16:25  「Oakforest-PACSによる大規模非線形固有値問題の高性能計算」 Tetsuya Sakurai
(Univ. Tsukuba)


Participants should fill out the registration form at https://www2.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/cgi-bin/sympo201710/form.cgi by September 26th, 2017. The registration is free, and the party fee is 5,000 JPY. 

Access information

– From airports to Tsukuba Center
There are two airports, Narita and Haneda, in the Tokyo area. For the access to Tsukuba, Narita Airport is more convenient than Haneda. The direct highway bus to Tsukuba from Narita airport is available roughly every hour, and it takes about one hour. From Haneda airport, there are also direct bus to Tsukuba, but the service is less frequent and it takes about two hours.

– From Tokyo to Tsukuba Center
Rapid trains of Tsukuba Express (TX) Line bring you to Tsukuba station from Akihabara station in Tokyo in 45 minutes. See the following maps:
* Tsukuba Express Line (http://www.mir.co.jp/en/route_map/index.html)
* Tokyo Metro (http://www.tokyometro.jp/en/subwaymap/)

– To International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba (  https://www.epochal.or.jp/eng/access/map_shuhen.html)


“Ten Years of Exascale – Are We There Yet?”
The first set of exascale workshops were held ten years ago in the Spring of 2007. Very quickly it was recognized that reaching the next big performance level in high performance computing is not just a matter of scaling, but that fundamental breakthroughs in architecture, software, algorithms, and application were required.  But at the time and very optimistically 2018 seemed to be the year exascale was achievable. In the years from 2008 to 2010 more workshops refined the path towards exascale computing in the U.S.,  and by about 2010 delivered the outline of a plan on how to achieve this goal. Also internationally several countries developed exascale initiatives. So all indicators were positive. Yet now, ten years later in the second half of 2017,  we are still about five years away from exascale and 2023 seems to be a more likely target. What happened? I will revisit the original goals and projections, and analyze where and when the community started to fall behind. This will be a useful analysis to draw lessons for the next five years, and see how exascale computing can eventually be achieved.


最先端共同HPC基盤施設(JCAHPC: Joint Center for Advanced High Performance Computing, http://www.jcahpc.jp/)は,筑波大学計算科学研究センターと東京大学情報基盤センターとが共同で設立した組織です。国内最高性能を有するOakforest-PACSシステムはJCAHPCによって設計,導入,運用されています(HPL性能13.55 PFLOPS,2017年6月発表のTOP 500リスト(http://www.top500.org)では世界第7位,国内第1位)。


第4回目となる今回は,数値ライブラリ分野の研究者として世界的に著名なMichael Heroux博士(Senior Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories, USA)をお招きして,Heroux博士がリーダーをつとめるTrillinosプロジェクト(https://trilinos.org/)の現状と動向のほか,Heroux博士が中心となって整備を進め,新しいスパコンベンチマークとして注目されているHPCG(http://hpcg-benchmark.org/)についてもご講演いただきます。そのほか,筑波大・東大両センターの教員から関連した講演があります。講演は英語で実施されます。




会場:東京大学情報基盤センター(浅野) 4階 413遠隔会議室 

 遠隔配信(柏会場):東京大学柏キャンパス第2総合研究棟 3階 315会議室2

 遠隔配信(つくば会場):筑波大学計算科学研究センター ワークショップ室



参加費:無料 事前登録等は不要です



CCS HPCサマーセミナー2017を9/28 (木) – 9/29 (金) に開催します




日程: 2017年9月28日(木) – 9月29日(金)
会場: 筑波大学計算科学研究センター 1階 ワークショップ室(アクセス


参加申込: こちら のページにてご登録をお願い致します 参加登録を締め切りました
締切: 2017年9月26日(火)
参加費: 無料
問い合わせ先: hpc-seminar [at] ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp


  9月28日 (木) 9月29日 (金)
09:00 – 10:30 並列処理の基礎 OpenMP
10:45 – 12:15 並列システム MPI
13:30 – 15:00 並列数値アルゴリズムI 最適化I
15:15 – 16:45 並列数値アルゴリズムII 最適化II
  セミナー名  セミナー内容 講師
1 並列処理の基礎 アムダールの法則,並列化手法(EP,データ並列,パイプライン並列),通信,同期,並列化効率,負荷バランスなど並列処理に関する基礎事項を学ぶ. 朴泰祐
2 並列システム SMP,NUMA,クラスタ,グリッドなどの並列計算機システムと,並列計算機システムの性能に大きく関わる事項(メモリ階層,メモリバンド幅,ネットワーク,通信バンド幅,遅延など)を学ぶ. 朴泰祐
3 並列数値アルゴリズムI 代表的な並列数値アルゴリズムである連立一次方程式の解法を学ぶ. 多田野寛人
4 並列数値アルゴリズムII 代表的な並列数値アルゴリズムである高速フーリエ変換(FFT)を学ぶ. 高橋大介
5 OpenMP 並列プログラミングモデル,並列プログラミング言語OpenMPを学ぶ. 佐藤三久
6 MPI 並列プログラミング言語MPI2を学ぶ. 建部修見
7 最適化I 並列計算機システムの計算ノード単体におけるプログラムの最適化手法(レジスタブロック,キャッシュブロック,メモリ割当など)と性能評価に関して学ぶ. 高橋大介
8 最適化II 並列計算機システム全体における並列プログラムの最適化手法と性能評価に関して学ぶ. 建部修見

本セミナーは,筑波大学大学院共通科目「計算科学のための高性能並列計算技術」と共通です. 大学院共通科目として本セミナーを受講する方は,TWINS で履修登録して下さい.このページからの参加申し込みは不要です.