


場所:筑波大学 計算科学研究センター 国際ワークショップ室
題目:Wind Energy Modelling from a Wind Farm to a Wind Blade Scale / Recent Innovations in Wind Engineering in Norway and Potential for Collaborations
講師:Dr. Adil Rasheed
Applied Mathematics Department, SINTEF ICT

The presentation comprises of two parts. The first part gives an overview of the wind energy related research activities in Norway. Research themes of two relevant projects; NOWITECH (Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology) and NORCOWE (Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy) is presented. The second part of the presentation starts with a demonstration of Isogeometric Analysis, a new numerical discretization technique to model flow and fluid-structure interactions in two dimensions. This is followed by a critical evaluation of the assumptions made in the use of simplified methodologies like Blade Element Method (BEM) and Strip Theory (ST) for modelling aerodynamic behaviour of wind turbines. A comparison of the computational cost and accuracy associated with Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) and Sliding Mesh Interface strategies (SMI) is presented next in the context of flow around a rotating turbine. MRF because of its computational efficiency is then chosen to conduct several sensitivity analysis. A detailed explanation of the torque output from a turbine as a function of different tip speed ratio and inlet turbulence intensity is given. Moving to larger scales, the focus shifts to wake-terrain interaction in a windfarm setting followed by ocean-atmospheric interactions. The benefits of bi-directional coupling between stochastic wave model and deterministic atmospheric model is demonstrated through a comparison of predicted wave height, and vertical wind and temperature profiles with sea buoy and radiosonde measurements. Towards the end, research topics and potential of new collaborations are discussed.

世話人:日下 博幸