
2023 CCS-EPCC Workshop

Date: October 11 (Wed) – 12 (Thu), 2023
Venue: Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
International Workshop Room


start end Speaker title
9:45 10:00 Taisuke Boku CCS research activity update
10:00 10:30 Mark Parsons Exascale at EPCC
10:30 11:00 Osamu Tatebe Performance Evaluation of Pegasus Persistent Memory Supercomputer.
11:00 11:15   Break
11:15 11:45 Shinichiro Akiyama Tensor network method for lattice field theory.
11:45 12:05 Joseph Lee Alternative architectures: RISC-V and Quantum Computing
12:05 12:15   Group Photo
12:15 13:45   Lunch
13:45 14:15 Masao Mori Galaxy collison and evolution of galaxies
14:15 14:45 Joe O’Connor Large-Scale Simulations of Turbulent Flows and Marine Energy Systems with HPC
14:45 15:15 Nicholas Schwier, Yoshinari Kameda Deeper Understanding of Vision through Art
15:15 15:30   Break
15:30 16:00 Michele Weiland Morpheus: a library for efficient runtime switching of sparse matrix storage formats
16:00 16:30 John Bosco Mugeni AdapterEM: Pre-trained Language Model Adaptation for Generalized Entity Matching using Adapter-tuning
16:30 17:00    


start end Speaker title
9:30 10:00 Quang Van Doan Clustering climate data: From deterministic to ensemble approaches
10:00 10:30 Adrian Jackson Machine Learning for Radio Astronomy Memory and I/O with DAOS and Optane
10:30 10:45    
10:45 11:15 Adrian Jackson Memory and I/O with DAOS and Optane
11:15 11:45 Yuta Hori Computational Approach to the Active Site in Metal-Containing Protein for Hydrogen
11:45 12:05 Joseph Lee AI Accelerators and Energy Efficiency
12:05 13:30   Lunch
14:00     Visiting Cygnus