
China-Japan collaboration workshop on “Nuclear mass and life for unravelling mysteries of r-process”

Dates and Venues / Participants from China / Registration / Program / Access information / Financial support / Party / Local Organizers

Origin of heavy elements is still a mystery and a big challenge in nuclear astrophysics. Basic nuclear properties, such as mass and life time, are essential to understand the nucleosynthesis. JSPS-NSFC bilateral program between Japan and China has started from April 2017. This program consists of both theoretical and experimental projects related to nuclear mass and life. At an occasion of the kick-off event of this collaboration, we have a collaborative workshop in University of Tsukuba.

The workshop consists of sessions of oral presentations and those of discussion for on-going/future collaboration.

Dates and Venues

June 26-28, 2017
Conference Room A (1F), Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan

Participants from China

Rui-Jiu Chen (IMP-CAS)
Lu Guo (Univ. CAS)
Min Liu (Guangxi Normal Univ.)
Wen-Hui Long (Lanzhou Univ.)
Yifei Niu (ELI-NP, Romania)
Zhong-Ming Niu (Anhui Univ.)
Li Ou (Guangxi Normal Univ.)
Bao-Hua Sun (Beihang Univ.)
Xiang-Xiang Sun (ITP-CAS)
Kun Wang (ITP-CAS)
Meng Wang (IMP-CAS)
Ning Wang (Guangxi Normal Univ.)
Cheng-Jun Xia (Zhejiang Univ.)
Peng Zhang (IMP-CAS)
Shan-Gui Zhou (ITP-CAS)

*CAS: Chinese Academy of Science
*ITP: Institute of Theoretical Physics
*IMP: Institute of Modern Physics



June 26 / June 27 / June 28 

June 26 (Mon)
*Nuclear mass                    Chair: A. Ozawa (Univ. Tsukuba)
9:30  Welcome and introduction of the project plus Isospin-symmetry-breaking effect on nuclear mass T. Nakatsukasa
(Univ. Tsukuba)
10:10 Recent progress of the KISS project at KEK-WNSC H. Miyatake
10:50 Break
*Mass formulae                   Chair: K.Washiyama (Univ. Tsukuba)
11:20 Nuclear mass predictions from Weizsaecker-Skyrme model and the statistical uncertainties of model parameters N. Wang
(Guangxi Normal Univ.)
12:00 Properties of nuclear masses of heavy and neutron-rich nuclei H. Koura
12:40 ~ 14:00 Lunch Break
*Nuclear mass                    Chair: H. Miyatake (KEK)
14:00 Precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at CSRe M. Wang
14:40 Binding energy differences of even-even nuclei as pairing indicators N. Hinohara
(Univ. Tsukuba)
15:20 ~ 16:00 Break
*Nuclear mass measurement         Chair: T. Yamaguchi (Saitama Univ.)
16:00  Rare-RI Ring in RIKEN RI Beam Factory A. Ozawa
(Univ. Tsukuba)
16:40 A method to measure the transition energy of the isochronously tuned storage ring R.J. Chen
17:20 High-precision Q_EC values of superallowed 0+ –> 0+ beta-emitters 46Cr, 50 Fe, and 54Ni P. Zhang
17:40 End of 1st day
18:00 Get-together Party
June 27 (Tue)
*Nuclear reaction                 Chair: N. Hinohara (Univ. Tsukuba)
9:30  Study symmetry energy by light-ion induced reaction L. Ou
(Guangxi Normal Univ.)
10:10 Fusion and quasifission dynamics in the synthesis of superheavy elements L. Guo
(Univ. CAS)
10:50 ~ 11:20 Break
*Beta decay                       Chair: S. Nishimura (RIKEN)
11:20 Low-lying charge-exchange modes of excitation relevant to beta decay K. Yoshida
(Kyoto Univ.)
12:00 A novel experimental approach to study beta-delayed neutron emissions B.-H. Sun
(Beihang Univ.)
12:40 ~ 14:00 Lunch Break
*Beta decay and r-process         Chair: H. Koura (JAEA)
14:00 Nuclear physics inputs for the r-process studies Z.-M. Niu
(Anhui Univ.)
14:40 Experimental challenges relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis S. Nishimura
15:20 ~ 16:00 Break
*Nuclear structure                 Chair: K. Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.)
16:00 A new doubly magic 48Si: new physics and novel phenomena W.-H. Long
(Lanzhou Univ.)
16:40 Deformed halo structure in 22C with deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model X.X. Sun
 17:00 Dynamics of nuclear pairing model F. Ni
(Univ. Tsukuba)
 17:20 End of 2nd day
June 28 (Wed)
*Nuclear EOS and neutron star      Chair: H.Z. Liang (RIKEN)
9:30 Nonuniform nuclear matter in a strong magenetic field C.-J. Xia
(Zhejiang Univ.)
10:10 Self-consistent “band” calculation of inner crust of neutron star Y. Kashiwaba
(Univ. Tsukuba)
10:30 Nuclear incompressibility and ISGMR energies from radius constrained RMF model K. Wang
10:50 ~ 11:20 Break
*Nuclear mass and beta decay       Chair: T. Nakatsukasa (Univ. Tsukuba)
11:20 Demonstration of mass measurements at the Rare-RI Ring facility S. Omika
(Saitama Univ.)
11:40 Development of TOF detector for mass measurement with R3 S. Suzuki 
(Univ. Tsukuba)
12:00 Beyond mean-field description of Gamow-Teller resonance and beta-decay half-lives Y.F. Niu
12:40 Perspectives of the project S.G. Zhou
13:00~ Lunch & Free discussion



Participants should fill out the registration form at
by June 20th, 2017. The registration is free.

Access information

– From airports to Tsukuba Center
There are two airports, Narita and Haneda, in the Tokyo area. For the access to Tsukuba, Narita Airport is more convenient than Haneda. The direct highway bus to Tsukuba from Narita airport is available roughly every hour, and it takes about one hour. From Haneda airport, there are also direct bus to Tsukuba, but the service is less frequent and it takes about two hours.

– From Tokyo to Tsukuba Center
Rapid trains of Tsukuba Express (TX) Line bring you to Tsukuba station from Akihabara station in Tokyo in 45 minutes. See the following maps:
* Tsukuba Express Line (
* Tokyo Metro (

– From Tsukuba Center to CCS and guest house, University of Tsukuba
See the following information:

– IC cards
If you plan to travel in Tokyo area (including Tsukuba), you may think about having a travel IC card (PASMO/SUICA/etc.) with you. It requires 500 yen deposit, but makes your travel much easier. All you need to do is to touch the card on the machine before and after each journey, for both trains and buses. You can buy it at ticket vending machines in train stations, such as Tsukuba station.
See this page:

– More information:

Financial support

Local fee for Chinese participants in the JSPS-NSFC Bilateral Program are supported by JSPS-NSFC and by Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba. Unfortunately, the financial support is not available for domestic participants.


A get-together party is planned at the Monday night.

We shall request about 3,000 yen for domestic participants. For supported Chinese participants, it will be supported by the bilateral program.

Local Organizers

N. Hinohara (Univ. of Tsukuba)
T. Nakatsukasa (Univ. of Tsukuba, Chair)
A. Ozawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
*Contact: japanchina[at]