External Review(2007)

External Review on Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Date October 30th, 31st, November 1st, 2007
Place Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

External Review Committee

Chair Prof. Richard Kenway(The University of Edinburgh)
Vice Chair Prof. Yoshio Oyanagi (Kogakuin University)
  Prof. Michael L. Norman (University of California, San Diego)
Prof. Kiyoyuki Terakura (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof. Akimasa Sumi (The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Herve Philippe (University of Montreal)
Prof. Horst Simon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Prof. Masaru Kitsuregawa (The University of Tokyo)

CCS reports for review

  1. Cover page
  2. Foreword
  3. Review of the Center for Computational Sciences
  4. Member List of External Review Committee
  5. Review of the Center for Computational Sciences(In Japanese)
  6. Member List of External Review Committee(In Japanese)
  7. Schedule of Visit of the Review committee
  8. Photo
  9. CCS Report: PART I, Overview of Center for Computational Sciences, Summary of Activities 2004-2007, appendix
  10. CCS Report: PART II, Research Activities, Results, Collaborations and Plans 2004-2007
  11. CCS Report: PART III, Vision and Strategies of Center for Computational



30th October (Tuesday)

9:30-10:00 Welcome (Sato, Director of CCS)
Objective and schedule of the external review
10:00-10:30 Overview and current status of CCS (Sato)
10:30-11:00 Activities and results 2004 – 2007 (Ukawa)
11:00-11:30 CCS project 1: PACS-CS project (Boku)
11:30-12:00 CCS project 2: FIRST project (Umemura)
12:00-12:30 Tour to PACS-CS and FIRST
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:25 CCS project 3: ILDG/JLDG project (Sato)
14:25-14:50 Activities and Collaborations 1: Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics: Computational Particle Physics Group (Aoki)
14:50-15:15 Activities and Collaborations 2: Division of Global Environment and Biological Sciences: Global Environmental Science Group (Tanaka)
15:15-15:40 Activities and Collaborations 3: Division of Computational Informatics: Computational Intelligence Group (Kitagawa)
15:40-16:05 Activities and Collaborations 4: Division of Computational Informatics: Computational Media Group (Ohta)
16:05-16:30 Coffee break
16:30 -18:00 Parallel Tracks

Track 1 (Reviewers: Oyanagi, Simon and Kitsuregawa) : Workshop room Division of High Performance Computing Systems

  1. Group introduction (Boku)
  2. Low-power and high-performance cluster network (Boku)
  3. Gfarm distributed file system (Tatebe)
  4. FFT-E and math-library (Takahashi)
  5. Student presentation (1) (Nakajima)
  6. Student presentation (2) (Hotta)

Track 2 (Reviewers: Kenway and Norman): Meeting room A Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics

  1. Dynamical Wilson quark simulations towards the physical point (Kuramashi)
  2. Nuclear force from lattice QCD (N. Ishii)
  3. Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium / SIMD Acceleration of Astrophysical Simulations (Yoshikawa)
  4. High Resolution Simulation of First Generation Star Formation(Suwa)
  5. Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Globular Cluster(Hasegawa)

Track 3 (Reviewers: Sumi and Philippe): Meeting room B Division of Global Environment and Biological Science

  1. Centrohelida is still searching for a phylogenetic home: Analyses of 7 Raphidiophrys contractilis genes (Sakaguchi)
  2. Prediction of water resource variation in winter under the global warming: Case studies in Japan and Turkey (Kimura)
  3. Prediction of urbern climate using the WRF regional model(Kusaka)
  4. Spectral energetics analysis of the general circulation of the atmosphere in the vertical wavenumber domain (Terasaki)
  5. Evaluation of the accuracy of the ensemble Kalman filtern (Kondo)
  6. Artic Oscillation as a dynamical singular eigenmode of the atmosphere (Tanaka)
  7. Can we include EF2 in multigene phylogenetic analyses?(Inagaki)

31st October (Wednesday)

9:30- 9:45 (Committee meeting)
9:45-10:10 Activities and Collaborations 5: Division of High Performance Computing Systems (Boku)
10:10-10:35 Activities and Collaborations 6: Division of Materials and Life Sciences: Computational Condensed Matter Science Group (Oshiyama)
10:35-11:00 Activities and Collaborations 7: Division of Materials and Life Sciences: Computational Life Science Group (Tateno)
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:40 Activities and Collaborations 8: Division of Materials and Life Sciences: Quantum Many-Body Systems Group (Yabana)
11:40-12:05 Activities and Collaborations 9: Division of Global Environment and Biological Sciences: Biological Science Group (Hashimoto)
11:05-12:30 Activities and Collaborations 10: Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics: Computational Astrophysics Group (Umemura)
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Future plan of CCS (Sato), CCS ILDG/JLDG (Sato)
15:00-15:30 Discussion
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-18:00 Parallel Tracks

Track 1 (Reviewers: Oyanagi, Simon and Kitsuregawa) : Workshop room Division of Computational Informatics

  1. Research Activities in Computational Intelligence Group ( Kitagawa, Amagasa, Kawashima, Watanabe, Zhang )
  2. Research Activities in Computational Media Group ( Ohta, Kameda, Kitahara )
  3. Free Discussion with Young Researchers

Track 2 (Reviewers: Kenway and Norman): Meeting room A Division of Particle Physics and Astrophysics

  1. $eta$’ meson mass from lattice QCD (Yoshie)
  2. Lattice QCD calculation of the $rho$ meson decay width (Ishizuka)
  3. Non-perturbative renormalization of four-quark operators and $B_K$ with SF scheme in quenched domain-wall QCD (Taniguchi)
  4. Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Accretion Flows and Jets (Kato)
  5. High-Redshift Metal Enrichment Traced by Extinction Curves (Hirashita)
  6. Study of Two Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Ionization States of Plasma in Merging Galaxy Clusters (Akahori)
  7. Novel Picture for Lyman Alpha Emitters (Shimizu)

Track 3 (Reviewers: Terakura, Sumi and Philippe): Meeting room B Division of Materials and Life Sciences

  1. Overview (Oshiyama)
  2. Prediction of New Properties in Carbon Nano-Materials (Okada)
  3. Developments and Applications of Real-Space Density Functional Theory (RSDFT) (Iwata)
  4. Towards Construction of Quantum Structural Biology Coupled with Structural Bioinformatics (Tateno)
  5. Development of Computational Methods for Analyses of Enzymatic Reaction Mechanism and Protein Folding Problem (Hagiwara)
  6. Dynamical Information Flow Mechanisms Revealed by Computer Simulations of Cellular Signaling Reaction Network Systems in a Cell (Nishimura)
  7. Quantum Dynamics in Few-Body System (Tong)
  8. Materials with strong electron correlation and strong electron-phonon interaction (Koizumi)
  9. Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Three-dimensional Rotational Motion (Y.Hashimoto)