* CCS QCD Solver benchmark program (MIC(KNC) version) *
VERSION 0.990MIC : May 6, 2016 (MIC kernels are included. See also README_MIC)
VERSION 0.990 : December 24, 2012 (Fortran Version)
This is the CCS QCD solver benchmark tuned for MIC(KNC) systems.
This program has been tuned under the Intel(R) Parallel Computing Center
(IPCC) program at University of Tsukuba.
This benchmark test program measures CPU/MIC and MPI performances.
This program benchmarks the performance of a linear equation solver
with a large sparse coefficient matrix appering in a lattice QCD probrem.
Lattice QCD describes the property of protons, neutrons and neucleons
in terms of more fundamental interacting elementary particles gluon and
The four dimensional (spase and time) coordinate is latticized and the
equation of motion for quarks is converted to a large scale linear equation
by the finite-difference method.
The coefficient matrix of the induced linear equation used in this program
is the O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac operator (called Clover fermion).
This benchmark program measures the performance of solving the follwing
linear equation:
D x = b,
where D is the clover fermion coefficient matrix defined on full lattice.
b is a source spinor-field, and x is the unknown spinor-field to be solved.
The linear equation is preconditioned by the site red-brack ordering and
the preconditioned equation is solved with BiCGStab algorithm.
See “README” and “README_MIC” files for the details.
[NOTE for MIC version]
This contains a MIC single precision optimized solver kernel.
The single precision solver is used as a flexible preconditioner
within the double precision BiCGStab solver via a mixed precision technique.
The MIC kernels are used in the offload mode. The inter-process-communication
in the offload regions are realized by the reverse-offloading technique.
The MIC(KNC) version of CCS QCD solver benchmark has been developed in
Intel(R) Parallel Computing Center at
Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), University of Tsukuba
Masayuki Umemura (CCS, U. of Tsukuba)
Taisuke Boku (CCS, U. of Tsukuba)
Yoshinobu Kuramashi (CCS, U. of Tsukuba)
Ken-Ichi Ishikawa (Hiroshima University)
In collaboration with
Lawrence Meadows, Michael D`Mello,
Maurice Troute, Ravi Vemuri (Intel Corporation)
CCS QCD solver benchmark project (Fortran version)
Ken-Ichi Ishikawa (Hiroshima University)
Yoshinobu Kuramashi (University of Tsukuba)
Akira Ukawa (University of Tsukuba)
Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba)
Center for Computational Sciences
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai
Ibaraki 305-8577
URL: http://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/
EMAIL: ccsqcdbench[_AT_]ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp