Division of Computational Informatics, Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), University of Tsukuba invites a full-time (non-tenured) faculty position as described below.
Assistant professor with a fixed-term appointment
[Research field]
Database, data engineering, and big data technology
[Content of work]
The Database Group, Division of Computational Informatics, Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), University of Tsukuba, has been conducting a research project entitled “A Verifiable Data Ecosystem” as a part of JST CREST “Society 5.0 System Software” area. In this project, we study and develop a verifiable data ecosystem that supports data and its reliability/lineage and makes it possible to verify arbitrary data for system software in Society 5.0 in a collaboration of six research groups in five universities in Japan.
We invite applications from database and data engineering researchers, including big data and data mining, who are interested in doing research and development about the techniques for metadata management, including reliability and lineage, in this project.
[Starting date]
As soon as possible after a hiring decision is made (negotiable).
[Terms of employment]
Full-time, possible to renew annually on March 31 until 2027, upon evaluation of the progress. The annual salary will be determined based on the regulations of the University, taking into account the employee’s career.
An applicant needs to have a Doctoral Degree or Ph. D at the start of employment.
[Application materials]
(1) Curriculum Vitae (with a photograph and email address)
(2) List of research activities (The list must be categorized into refereed journals, refereed conferences/workshops, books, other presentations, patents, awards, and competitive research funds. List all authors of co-authored papers/books. For the five major papers (cf. item (6)), it is recommended to denote the impact factor, number of citations, acceptance rate, etc.)
(3) Summary of research activities (up to about 1000 words)
(4) Research plan after the appointment (up to about 1000 words)
(5) Contact information of two references (name, affiliation, and email address)
(6) Reprints of five major papers published within the last five years (one may be published earlier than five years.)
(7) Self-declaration on specific categories (the prescribed form can be downloaded from https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/reqdocuments/ )
(8) Consent for the handling and extraterritorial transfer of personal data in accordance with the EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (*Submit this form only if you are a resident of member
countries of the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, the prescribed form can be downloaded from https://www.ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp/reqdocuments/ )
[Selection process]
After screening the application documents, qualified applicants will be invited to an online interview in Japanese or English.
[Deadline for application]
23:59 (JST), May 19th, 2023.
[Who to make contact]
Prof. Toshiyuki Amagasa
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Phone: +81-29-853-6497, e-mail: amagasa_AT_cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
(Replace “_AT_” by “@”.)
[Where to submit]
Put the documents (1)-(5)/(7)-(8) in a single encrypted PDF file, and please submit it along with the PDF files of (6) as attachments to an email addressed to: koubo-dcidb _AT_ ccs.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace “_AT_” by “@”.)
Please send the PDF’s password to the email address described in “[Who to make contact]”.
– Please write “Application for Assistant Professor Position in Database Group” in the subject.
– Please contact “[Who to make contact]” before submission if the file size exceeds 10MB.
– Please contact “[Who to make contact]” if you do not receive any response within two days after submission.
1) The personal information in the application documents will be used solely for selection. After the selection, all the personal information will be properly deleted.
2) The Center for Computational Sciences has been approved as a Joint Collaborative Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We promote interdisciplinary
computational sciences, including joint use of our supercomputer systems. The University of Tsukuba conducts its personnel selection process in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
3) The University of Tsukuba has established “University of Tsukuba Security Export Control Regulations” based on “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act”, and conduct strict examination when employing foreign nationals, persons from foreign universities, companies, government agencies, etc., or persons who fall under a specific category.